Sunday, March 25, 2007

Chili the Pug

This is a painting I did of my pug, Chili. I want to do more of Chili so we'll see if they start to get better.


This time I tried a cathedral. The reference I used had good contrast and awesome colors so I tried to mimic that as much as I could. I also liked the variation in depth of all the elements. I think I'm starting to get the hang of artrage. I'm definitely staying much looser and not lingering on detail.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Heat Movie Trailer

This is a trailer I made for the movie Heat. I spliced video clips from the DVD with audio from the sound track. I tried to align the action sequences with the beats in the audio track. Check it out!

Gatling Gun

Another piece of old 3D art. This one would probabaly be easier for me to retexture so I may do this one before the f1.

old 3D

I thought I would upload some old 3D models I did. This is an f1 car that I modeled that I never quite got around to texturing. I really want to but I modeled it in 3Dmax which is causing me headaches in the UV department.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007


I did a castle painting in artrage. I tried staying loose with my strokes and not relying on the palette brush so much.

Sunday, March 18, 2007


I tried doing a generic landscape with artrage. It's definitely going to take some time before I can bust out some high quality stuff...:P.